Thursday, October 17, 2013

Whats More Important?

    what's the problem with doctors spending extra time with their patients in appointments? Ann Brenoff from the huffingtonpost tells her personal encounter with this problem, titled On The Fly: The Doctor Will See You ... When Her Boss Says She Can.

     Ann's doctor had a habit of staying overtime with her patients to just sometimes talk, keeping her waiting an extra half hour for her appointment. but why does her doctor do this? because she feels that after talking with a patient and really getting to know their life style it makes her job easier. she wants to get to know the patient better so maybe following their health record won't be as hard or telling them to stop a certain bad habit every now and then. the doctor even talks to the teenagers, giving them her card in case they want to talk about sex, drugs or any other personal problems they can't go to their parents with. she says "she needs to care for the total person, not just the flu that's going around."

      the medical corporation wants doctors to spend less time with their patients because the more patients, the more money. is that really all that matters these days? money? to work in such a field as medicine a doctor should be able to take extra time out to connect with who's handing them their days pay. at first Ann disapproved of her doctors actions, but after witnessing how much she cared for her patients, her thoughts changed.

     Ann disagrees with the fact the doctor takes so much time with every patient, but agrees to the fact that it's for a better cause toward helping her patients. I also go along with because honestly I wouldn't want to wait an extra half hour past my appointment because she "yapping" with other patients. but, also I don't have a problem with someone taking the extra step in knowing me as a person in order to help me and my health, which is her main job description.

    Ann contemplated about leaving, but figured it's not too bad. scheduled an appointment for the following week, and brought a book to read in case she took a little extra time.

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